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yuri's revenge

The various tech structures available in a given mission mean the difference between moving on to the next challenge and having to start over. Each one has a particular value, but the most important structures are the Machine shop and Oil Derrick, followed by the Hospital.


yuri's revenge


Consider the value, first of all, of the machine shop. While it doesn't repair your unit's at a rapid rate, it does continually heal them. This makes it less likely thet you will need to pull a unit back to your base during an attack. If you keep even a critically damaged unit out of combat for a few minutes, it's repaired completely, meaning you don't need a service depot unless you want to build an mcv. For the soviets, a machine shop is of value because the service depot is the only other way, short of stealing allied technology, to repair damaged vehicles.
For the allies, a machine shop frees up repair ifv,s allowing the vehicles to attack and the engineers to capture other structures.


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